Amistad Attorney Tom King Re-Elected General Counsel to Sheriffs’ Association For 22nd Year in a Row

Amistad Attorney Tom King Re-Elected General Counsel to Sheriffs’ Association For 22nd Year in a Row

Thomas W. King, III, Special Counsel to the Thomas More Society’s Amistad Project, an election integrity watchdog, has been re-elected general counsel to the Pennsylvania Sheriffs’ Association for a historic and consecutive 22nd year.

Representing over 67 county sheriff’s offices, the Pennsylvania Sheriffs’ Association, has advocated and provided services for all sheriff members. The Association is dedicated to preserving the time-honored Office of Sheriff in Pennsylvania through leadership, education, training, fundraising, community service and legislative efforts for its members.

Mr. King was first admitted to the bar in 1975 in Pennsylvania and has represented clients in the U.S. Supreme Court, Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, Superior Court of Pennsylvania, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, among others.

Mr. King is a valuable member of the Amistad Project and has worked closely with Director of the Amistad Project Phill Kline. Mr. Kline had criticized election officials in Pennsylvania for ignoring “ballot security laws such as signature and residency requirements.” Mr. King spoke at Just The News’ Dr. Gina Prime Time podcast, asserting that there was no security for ballot drop boxes in Pennsylvania.

Tom King also serves on the Legal Advisory Committee of the National Sheriffs’ Association, a professional association, headquartered in Alexandria, VA, dedicated to protecting sheriffs’ throughout the nation.

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